
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Still waiting...and waiting...

Now I know why I haven't wanted to move in 15 years. We have always relocated with DH's company paying most of the moving costs (sweet deal) and closing costs. Still "working" with the bank on the house...still! At least they haven't given up...neither has DH. I am tired of the "bargaining" back and done with it I say!

Well since I have no control over what the banks do, I am going to get my hair done this afternoon. Nothing fancy...same cut & color...but it is a great way to relax and have some me time. I catch up on the "dirt" in Hollywood while sitting in the chair.

I can't wait for the retirement party tomorrow for a friend. I was in charge of the "gift". I was hoping all the certificates would be here today, but am missing one. I bet it will come tomorrow after the party...always mail it later on. Having fun "wrapping" the gifts.

Well off for the hair job and then more sorting and packing...oh what fun. k

1 comment:

  1. Kristie,
    You did a fabulous job with the gift basket, books, fabrics, gift certificates and especially "The Machine."

    Hope you hear something about the house real soon.

    Happy sewing!
